Moja piskaranja

четвртак, 15. октобар 2015.

(My) Marley and me ❤✨

Hej vi siroti đavoli, dakle današnji post je nešto malo drugačiji nego ostali naime imam jednu priču u čast ro]endana mog psa koji je danas, radila sam pet tag kad sam ga dobila pogledajte OVDE
Hey, you, poor devils, so today's post is a little different than others. In fact I have a story in honor of the birthday of my dog, which is now, I've worked pet tag when I got him look HERE

Od kad znam za sebe okružena sam psom. Kada sam se rodila davne ’94 imali smo psa Mazu, ne sećam se koje je rase bila, (ostaviću vam sliku da vidite pa ko zna neka piše dole u komentarima). Maza je čuvala mene od svakog ko bi se približio kolevci dok spavam, čak je umela da zareži i na mamu koja ju je imala još od srednjoškolskih dana. Kada mi je bilo 4-5 godina Maza je uginula i doveli smo u kuću novu mazu koja je bila neka vrsta pudle takođe bela samo sa jednim crnim uvom. Maza 2 i ja provele smo dobar deo života zajedno tim pre što sam bila dovoljno odrasla da je zapamtim kako dolikuje. Ona nije bila baš štene kada smo je dobili ali dovoljno mlada da izdrži naredne godine. Obe Maze su bile jako dobri i poslušni psi. Obe smo mogli da pustimo da se istrče same napolje i da se vrate kući a da ne odu van dvorišta zgrade, obe su znale svoje mesto za spavanje i nikada nisu pravile buku. Maza 2 živela je sa nama nekih 8-10 godina. Uginula je od tuge za mojom majkom koja je preminula par meseci pre nje. Maza je zauvek otišla leta 2006. u to vreme boravila sam na Malti što mi je malo olakšalo njen odlazak. 
Since I can remember I was surrounded by dogs. When I was born back in '94 we had a dog Maza, I do not remember what race she was, (I'll leave you with an image that you see and who knows, let him write down in comments). Maza has kept me from all who approached the crib while I was sleeping, she even knew how to growled at my mother who had had her since her high school days. When I was 4-5 years Maza died and we brought in a house new Maza that was kind of a poodle also white with one black ear. Maza 2 and I spent a good part of life together especially as I was old enough to remember her properly. She was not just a puppy when we got her but young enough to withstand next year. Both Maza’s were very good and obedient dogs. Both were able to let it run around the outside and to return home and not go out of the yard of the building, they both knew their place to sleep and have never made any noise. Maza 2 lived with us some 8-10 years. She died of grief for my mother who passed away a few months before her. Maza is gone forever summer of 2006 At that time I stayed in Malta which is a little easier for her departure.
Prva maza i ja/Firs Maza and me

Maza broj 2 i ja/Maza no 2 and me

Nakon Mazine smrti stalno smo terale baku da nam kupi psa, ona je uvek odbijala jer ne želi da se ponovo veže za životinju. Vremnom smo Maša, Mina i ja odustale mada smo bar jednom godišnje umele da zatražimo da nam kupi. Moljkanje je trajalo negde do oktobra prošle godine kada je baba usled želje da se ja malo socijalizujem  rešila da nam kupi kuče. Hahahaha moja baba nije znala šta će da nam dođe u kuću da je znala možda bi dobro razmislila da li će da ga kupuje ili ne, jer da se razumemo da Marli zaista treba mene da socijalizuje ja bi bila kompletno još manje socijalizovana nego što sam sad. 
After Maza’s death we are constantly forcing the grandmother to buy us a dog, she has always refused because they would not be re-linked to the animal. Over time, we Masa, Mina and I gave up even though we at least annually knew to ask her to buy us. Begging lasted until sometime in October last year when the grandmother due to the desire that I socialized a bit decided to get us  a dog. Hahahaha my grandmother did not know what would come to our house, she knew he might well consider whether to buy it or not, because if Marley really need me to socialize, I would be much less socialized than I now.

Da se vratim na priču rešili smo da kupimo psa. Pošto je baba uvek bila jasna da je rasno kuče za stan, ulični psi nisu dolazili u obzir. Isprva smo htele samojeda, vodeći se time da nije veliki kao haski ali opet je lep. Maša i ja smo još davno imale dogovor da ćemo da imamo ženskog samojeda i da će mo da je nazovemo Ajra jer smo obe volele taj lik iz „igra prestola“. Pogledali smo oglase i sve što smo našli bili su maltezeri i zlatni retriver. Zovnemo jedno i drugo dobijemo ponude. Najveći problem bio je što nisu imali ženku maltezera kao što smo mi htelil. Razmišljale smo se par dana šta da radimo kada smo na kraju rešile da baba i Maša ipak odu i pogledaju ta četri maltezera. Ja sam malo skeptik uvek se plašim da idem kod stranaca kući (kada bih krenula sa svojom psiho analizom vala bi potrajalo), uglavnom one odu i žena ih uvede  da vide četri mala psa a jedan od thi četri je krenuo za Mašom, baba i Maša se dogovore da kad prestane da sisa uzmemo tog psa. Tako je 4. decembra prošle godine Marli stigao u naš dom. Kada je došao nije imao zube i nije mu trebalo dugo da se odomaći u kući, odma je voleo da jede a čim su mu zubi malo narasli počeo je našu hranu da traži (jer ko smo mi da sami uživamo u poslasticama baz njega). Na početku Marli je bio samo vesela loptica koju si kogao da podigneš jednom rukom i misli smo da će biti lako. Lako, avaj kako smo se prevarili, pas je velika odgovornost tako smo se dok se nije naučio da ide u toalet u u hodniku borili sa non stopnim cviljenjem jer se on plaši sam da bude u hodniku. Ako dobijete psa blagog karaktera i poslušnog kakvi su neke koje znam onda ste srećni, ako ipak kupite Marlija onda ste gotovi. Jer život onda izgleda otprilike ovako: Ti hodaš kroz stan, a on hoće da se igra plus rastu mu zubi neminovno je da će sve tvoje trenerice i čarape imati po jednu rupu, a ako ti to nije dosta gore od toga je što te vuče pas od jedva 1kg. Ti  doručkuješ/ručaš/večeraš on skače da daš i njemu i civili jer nije fer da ti sam jedeš pa de to ima ? Živiš sa motkom za ribanje u ruci  jer on kako dođe do hodnika ili tvoje sobe diže nogicu da obavi radnju. Hoćeš goste u kući ? Ok ali moraš da shvatiš da su oni ipak došli njega da vide hteli ili ne jer on će toliko da laje i skače na njih da ti možeš da zaboraviš na razgovor dok se ne smiri (a hiperaktivan je strašno). Naš život i dalje izgleda otprilike tako samo je jedenje malo dozirano i sada spava u velikoj sobi pa ne plače celu noć. Tepisi, četke, i papuče odma piši propalo sve će to da izgrize na kraju.i da sve što je slatko diži što više gore ne treba da ga moliš dva put da bi gricnuo.
Getting back to the story we decided to buy a dog. As the grandmother always made clear that racially units for apartments, street dogs are not out of the question. At first we wanted the Siberian Samoyed, taking up time that is not as big as husky but it's nice. Masha and I have long since had an agreement that we will have a female Samoyed and will power that we call Ayra because we both love this character from "Game of Thrones". We looked at the ads and all we found were maltese and golden retriever. We summon both get offers. The biggest problem was that they did not have female Maltese as we wanted. We were thinking a few days what to do when we finally decided to grandmother and Masha still go and see these four Maltese. I'm a bit of a skeptic always afraid to go home with strangers (if I went with my psycho analysis, it would take a long time), mainly They they leave, and women introduce them to see four little dogs, and one of thi four started to follow,  Masha and ganny agree that when he ceases to be nourished in the mother we take that dog. Thus, on December 4 last year Marley arrived in our home. When he arrived he had no teeth and it did not take long to acclimatise in the house, now he loved to eat as soon as his teeth a little grown began to search for our food (because who are we to ourselves we enjoy the delicacies bases it). At the beginning of Marley was the only cheerful fur ball that you whom to raise a hand and we thought it would be easy. Easy, alas that we were wrong, the dog is a big responsibility so we can until he learned to go to the toilet in in the hallway struggled with successive non whining because he fears him to be in the hallway. If you get a dog obedient and gentle character, what are some that I know you're lucky if you do buy Marley then you're in big trouble. Because life then looks something like this: You walk through the apartment, and he wants to play plus grow his teeth it is inevitable that all your trainers and socks have a hole at a time, and if you do not do a lot worse than that is what draws you dog barely 1kg. You have breakfast / lunch / dinner he jumps to give him and the civilians because it is not fair to you I eat so how? You live with a stick in his hand scrub because he came out into the hallway or your bedroom rises tiny leg to perform the action. Will the guests in the house? Ok but you must realize that they still came to see him, wanted or not, because he would much barking and jumping on them that you can not forget about the conversation until it rests (a hyperactive is terrible). Our life still looks something so only eating a little dosed and is now sleeping in the great room and not crying the whole night. Carpets, brushes, slippers and immediately fell write all this will not chew on at the end and that everything is sweet lift up as much above you should not ask him twice to bite.
Marlijev prvi put u našoj kući/Marley's first time at our home :)

Sestra Maša i Marli drugi dan kući/Sister Masha and Marley's at his second day at home

Kada je došlo proleće izveli smo Marlija prvi put u šetnju. Većina psa je jako srećna kada idu u šetnju ali Marli ne, Marli se plaši prolaznika, Marli se plaši kolica sa decom, Marli se plaši automobila, uglavnom-Marli se plaši. A nije mu strano ni da sedne i neće da ide pa ti moraš da ga vučeš. Pre par nedelja je bilo traumatično jer nam se otrgo sa lanca i krenuo u beg, skratio nam je život.

When spring came, we carried out Marley's first walk. Most dog is very happy to go for a walk but not Marley, Marley is afraid of passers-by, Marley fears stroller with children, Marley is afraid of cars, mostly-Marley is afraid of everything. A forest and to sit down and not want to go and you have to drag it. A few weeks ago it was upsetting because we broke loose from a chain and started to flee, shorten our lives.

Marli nije običan pas, Marli je pas koji peva. Peva, ne šalim se (ostaviću video dole). Moja sestra Mina svira violinu i Marli svaki put kada je čuje peva, to radi i dan danas. Marli obožava vodu i voli da se kupa. Marli skače od sreće kada čuje „gde si ti“. Marli je čudo.

Marley is no ordinary dog, he's a dog that sings. Singing, I'm not kidding (I'll leave the video below). My sister Mina plays the violin and Marley every time you hear it sings, it works today. Marley loves water and likes to bathe. Marley jumps for joy when they hear "where are you". Marley is a miracle.

Marlijevo prvo kupanje/Marley's first bath

Kada smo prvi put putovali sa Marlijem išli smo kod ujaka u Petrovac na Mlavi, priznajem bilo je bolje nego što smo očekivali ali smo naučili da Marli ne voli ništa muško u blizini sebe. Par puta je pokušao da pobegne ali mu je prijalo da ima dvorište i da trči, nije baš mirisao ujakovog psa, ali su se slagali nekako. Kako smo se nadali ipak smo se dobro udali.

When we first traveled with Marley's we went to my uncle in Petrovac, I admit it was better than we expected, but we have learned that Marley loves nothing man near himself. A few times he tried to escape but he felt good to have a yard and run, not just smelled uncle's dog, but agreed anyway. As we had hoped it's been ok.

Pre nego što smo kupili Marlija mislile smo da će da bude daleko lakše, to je samo pas na kraju ali ispostavilo se da sa „velikim talentom dolazi velika odgovornost“. I mada nekad želim da ga zadavim, Marli je velika sreća, Marli zna da popravi raspoloženje i pravi je član prodice često kažem da bi mi bilo teže da on ugine nego  neko od ljudi koje znam da umre. Ono što ja savetujem svima je da uzimaju psa samo ako su spremni na odgovornost, ako su spremni da imaš jedan život o kome moraš da vodiš računa. Jer ako jesi zauzvrat dobićeš stvorenje koje će da te voli makar ubio čoveka, koje će uvek da te nasmeje i utiši, pa do sledećeg četvrtka :)
Before we bought Marley We thought it would be far easier, it's just a dog, but in the end it turned out that the with  "great talent comes great responsibility." And though sometimes I want to strangle him, Marley is a great happiness, Marley known to improve mood and he is a true family members often say to me that it was more difficult to diethan some of the people I know. What I advise everyone to take a dog only if they are willing to account, if they are willing to have a life of which you have to take into account. Because if you turn you'll get the creature will to love you even killed a man who will always make you laugh and silent, until next Thursday :)

Whit love S.

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